Healthy Country Planning

New publication: Integrating Social Value in Landscape Planning: Experiences from Working with Indigenous Communities in Australia

Together with David Hinchley, Damien Parriman, Mike Heiner and James Fitzsimons we wrote a book-chapter titled “Integrating Social Value in Landscape Planning: Experiences from Working with Indigenous Communities in Australia” for the publication Social Value, Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship: Insights from Theory and Practice.

In this article we explore how Healthy Country Planning and Development by Design can assist Indigenous Groups in Australia increasing the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) in the land-use decision making process.

Conservation Planning in the Dawna Tanintharyi region of Myanmar

Back from a very exciting Healthy Country Planning project in the Dawna Tanintharyi landscape of Myanmar to facilitate the development of the Kawthoolei Forest Department Strategic Conservation Management Plan

The strategic conservation plan will support the Kawthoolei Forestry Department, the Karen Wildlife Conservation Initiative and Karen communities to manage a culturally and bio diverse rich landscape strategically.